Good Sleep Is Healthy Health
Welcome everybody!
I welcome everybody to be in healthy.
Today I've got some very interesting things to be covered, I'm going to highlight about how you can transform key tips of health.
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Healthy Health |
Yes, of course, I'm going to tell about sleep and liver if, time permits.
First of all, I want to know how everybody slept last night?
The Importance of Sleep
Let's talk about the importance of sleep and how we will agree that sleep is probably the number one thing you want to focus on when you're trying to improve your health.
It doesn't make sense because you know sleep is you're lazy if you're sleeping too much but actually it's the opposite when you get really good sleep your body can heal, thrive and so I, share with you guys, talking about some of the real key things of sleep and the fact that we can actually live longer without food then without sleep might be a really good reason for you to start thinking about your sleep hygiene.
There's an interesting study where they found that if you have less than five hours of sleep one of the things that the researchers discovered is that you will actually turn off your ability to heal from cardiovascular disease.
There's a study that showed that it doubles your risk just by sleeping less than five hours per night which is crazy sleep not only improves your physiological functions but think how much better you feel mentally after a good night's sleep. (healthy health)
So, I want to hear how you guys did last night on your sleep, I was asleep so I missed my usual TV programme, so how many of you slept great last night? I know a few of you yesterday who haven't slept good in a long time.
So, I tell you about some things that you could do the challenge for the week, is going to be a digital turn off the the digital things at least an hour before you go to bed, put on some blue light blockers get a blue light blocking screen if that's how you need to read or the kindles or a backlit kindle that you can actually, it minimises your exposure to blue lights.
But getting great sleep is so fundamental to health so the challenge is, shut off any stimulatory things - no TV, no news nothing like that no facebook images flashing you know those are very addictive and it triggers your brain to get activated and into alpha waves, so turn off all those things an hour before going to bed in a room that's cooler ideally below 70 degrees and then make sure at night before you go to sleep that you're thinking about you know something that you're grateful that you've accomplished in the day and then give your brain something to work on at night before you go to bed.
Reading a new book and so you know make sure you give your mind something to work on before you go to sleep, because your subconscious brain is so powerful and that's the way you can activate this reservoir of wisdom that you've got just by sleeping.
The question is, you know that how many of you have heard the advice,,, never go to bed angry, you know if you're having a argument with your spouse or with one of your loved ones or with your close relationship and sometimes you know but I don't know because sometimes your brain can organise the chaos and then you wake up in the morning and if you've had a good sleep, you're not really that angry anymore and you realize that you're just being ridiculous as a result of tired.
There is no difference than when we're a kid, at the age of three-year-old, you can tell when they need a nap right there it's time to put them down let's get them a little rest.
So I think, most of us need better sleep so let's see how you guys did, Some says that eight hours and 19 minutes that is great.
Let's first of all, I want to go through just kind of some overview of what I've been working on in this, hundred day process because one of the most important things you can do to your body I highlighted about the five core pillars of healthy health,.
Earlier and I'm going to write these out and then we're going to go through and dissect the 100 day challenge.
I'm going to show you guys, just kind of what some basic outlines are of things you can do for it okay so let's jump in, so first tip of health that we're going to flash.
First Tip
The most important processes in the body to heal is your digestive system and so if you read ayurvedic medicine, chinese medicine that you know even the greek medicine - hippocrates you know - it all starts with food - look like food be their medicine and then medicine be their food but the problem with food is if you can't absorb it and you can't digest it, it's going to be really challenging to have a lot of nutrition - nutritional value from it.
One of the first things, we want to do is open the gut and detox pathways and so you guys are probably saying well how do we do that well if you read.
The Liver
The liver and I was speaking to a patient last night and I was doing her lab review and as we started looking - do you know that we realized that the liver of the man is in severe danger.
The patient's doctor a hematologist was looking at her laps and said wow you've got cirrhosis of the liver and so the man came to us because her brother had a liver transplant - she does not want to have a liver transplant.
And you know when i started explaining the few tips of healthy health, she said I totally followed liver diet and I've already started it and already am feeling better and so what we don't realize is our liver is this very busy organ.
So, when I talk about the gut and the detox pathways you know a lot of times we go right to the stomach and the small intestine and the large intestine but we actually need to get the liver involved because the liver is what's executing on the entire plan of or strategy of metabolizing these proteins breaking them down activating the bile secretion to emulsify fats.
Also, the liver is the most important organ when it comes to resolving emotions like anger frustration overwhelm from a chinese medical perspective those emotions get stored up in our liver, so just like we have to detox from some of the plastics in our environment and some of the pollution that we're exposed to the liver is actually really important for metabolizing and and getting rid of some of those emotions that can be very toxic.
So, oh that the liver is like number one for you know first 2nd tip of healthy health.
Thank you.
Kind Regards,
Ramzeen Marzook
YouTuber, Best Blogger & Writer
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