What is Vitamin 'K'?
Maintain Your Healthy Health
The word cabbage, is a cheap vegetable and very freely available in all vegetable markets. But is it Red cabbage?
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What is Vitamin 'K'.
Whatever it is, cabbage sure, has a lot of terrific health benefits.
Keep your health healthy.
Let's talk about What Happens to your body When you consume Cabbage every day.
Does it fill you with nutrients? Can it improve digestion?
Can it get rid of inflammation? Can cabbage really protect you from heart disease?
It really lowers your Blood Pressure.
The nutrients in cabbage will not only improve your blood pressure, but lower your risk of heart disease altogether.
This is why eating it is so important. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world in general.
Someone dies from it every 36 seconds. When your blood pressure is high, the heart has to work twice as hard to pump blood.
So what special nutrient in cabbage is the one that fights against heart disease?
Let's discuss about potassium for a second. Potassium is an important mineral that your body required to function properly.
Specifically, it helps regulate your blood pressure and counter the effects of sodium.
Potassium helps you flush the sodium out through your urine. This is why red cabbage is recommended specifically.
A single cup of chopped red cabbage holds 5% of your daily potassium intake. If you haven't had red cabbage before, trust me, it's delicious.
Have you had problems with high blood pressure?
What did you do to treat it?
Keep your health healthy.
Lowers Your Cholesterol Another benefit for your heart. Cabbage can definitely help here.
Approximately, 30 million Americans have cholesterol levels that are above average.
Since there are no symptoms of high cholesterol, many people don't even know they have it.
Now you might be thinking that all cholesterol is bad. In fact, you need cholesterol to live. It helps your body function properly, especially your digestive system.
But if your cholesterol is too high, it could increase your risk of heart disease. This is where cabbage can help.
It's all thanks to things like soluble fiber and plant sterols.
Soluble fiber binds with cholesterol in your gut and keeps it from being absorbed into your blood.
Studies have shown that people who consume 2 - 10 grams of soluble fiber every day see a decrease in bad cholesterol.
As for plant sterols, these are compounds similar to cholesterol, but they block it from being absorbed into your bloodstream.
Bad Cholesterol
Increasing your intake of these sterols by 1 gram a day can decrease your bad cholesterol by 5%. This is the main reason to eat more cabbage.
Now it's time to join our millions of followers. When it comes to cabbage, thereat, just so much to love.
Just a single cup of raw cabbage contains decent amounts of manganese and calcium. You are also getting a good amount of iron. Iron has so many functions. Not only does it strengthen your immune system but it also helps your digestive system, body temperature and energy levels.
Another great benefit of cabbage is how low it is in calories. If you can eat cabbage every day, you all get a great boost in nutrition.
Your body will thank you in the long run. There are also a couple other great nutrients.
Reduces Inflammation, If you eat cabbage on a regular basis, you all see less inflammation in your body.
Quick Healer
You need inflammation to protect your body from being taken over by infection. It also allows you to heal quicker. What you don't want is chronic inflammation. This is something you develop over a long period. It's associated with many different diseases. This includes things like arthritis, bowel disease and heart conditions.
Body Balance
Cabbage can help your body balance inflammation, and keep it from turning into a chronic issue. This is due to the antioxidants. Research has shown that more cruciferous veggies you eat in general, the less bad inflammation you all see.
One study, showed that women who ate the highest amount of cruciferous veggies had less inflammation than those who did'nt. Has this convinced you to try more cabbage? No?
But before we continue, are you looking for a healthy drink?
Now back to our discussion on the Benefits of Eating Cabbage. Lots of Vitamin C You need more vitamin C in your life! It's so important. This nutrient helps your body tissues develop as well as heal. It also required to maintain your muscles, bones and blood vessels. Good news! Cabbage has plenty of it.
Remember that cup of red cabbage we were talking about in the beginning? Well that same cup holds more than half your daily suggested intake for Vitamin C.
Vitamun C
So, what's so special about Vitamin C? How does it do what it does? Let's talk about collagen for a second! Collagen is the most common form of protein in your body, what helps Vitamin C maintain your bones and muscles. Vitamin C fights off free radicals in your body. Those are tiny little agents that attack your cells and cause degeneration.
Some research has even hinted that Vitamin C lowers the risk of cancer. A study from a while back found that increasing your intake of Vitamin C, could reduce your lung cancer risk by 7%.
But keep in mind, much more research needs to be done.
Vitamin K
Vitamin C has enough proven benefits for you to love. Lots of Vitamin K. This is a vitamin not too many people seem to be thinking about. Vitamin K is one of the most important nutrients you can get. Luckily, cabbage can give it to you.
Vitamin K is known for its ability to help control blood clotting, as well as wound healing. If your bones are weak, Vitamin K can help to strengthen them.
Vitamin K1, the type found in plant sources, is found in cabbage and rather large amounts. Just one cup of regular, raw cabbage can give you 85% of your daily Vitamin K intake. If you are not getting the proper amount of Vitamin K, your blood won't be able to clot properly.
Bowel Movements
This increases your level of excessive bleeding. Improved Digestion To put it simply, cabbage has a ton of fiber. Let's talk about insoluble fiber for a second - having trouble going to the bathroom lately? Well this is just what you need. I know it sounds gross, but soluble fiber adds some bulk to your stool. This allows you to relieve yourself quicker when you are on the toilet.
A regular diet of cabbage can help you have normal bowel movements. Now who does not want that?
There is also soluble fiber. This type increases the amount of good bacteria in your gut. This acts as fuel and allows you to digest things properly. This bacteria protects your immune system and helps to produce healthy vitamins. Improves Bone Health.
Old Age
As you get older, your bones grow more frail. You lose more and more minerals. This is why you need to make sure you are eating healthy. Most of times, your lifestyle speeds this aging process up. It's not just a poor diet.
Alcohol and Smoking
The men and women who smoke have a much higher chance of experiencing fractures. If you are constantly drinking booze, you are a lot more likely to break a bone if you fall. If you are not getting that proper Vitamin D, you are open to things like osteoporosis.
Protection of Bones
This is a disease where your bones weaken to the point where they break out of nowhere. These bones include your wrist, hip and backbone. Everyday consumption might be a little difficult, but having it a few times a week will definitely put your frail bones on the road to recovery.
Cabbage is really healthy, but that's only the beginning. There are so many other veggies you need to consider.
Check out What Happens To Your Body When you consume Broccoli Every Day. Go ahead, click one.
Keep your health healthy!
Do you eat a lot of cabbage? Your valuable comments will be much appreciated please!