Best Foods for Arthritis

Healthy Health

Best Foods for Arthritis

Best foods to fight arthritis and joint 

1. Oranges 

Orange & Pomegranate

Oranges and other cypress fruits are a great source of vitamin C which is a basic constituent in the synthesis of collagen, collagen helps to repair ligaments bones and blood vessels people with osteoarthritis which is a major cause for joint pain should include oranges in their daily meals. 

2. Nuts

Most nuts contain vitamin E calcium and fiber these are known to fight inflammation and nuts like almonds are essential in Mediterranean diet which is known to curb inflammation in just weeks consider incorporating different types of nuts in your diet for you to read the full benefits. 

3. Pomegranate 

Pomegranate is a rich source of antioxidant polyphenols anthocyanins carotenoids vitamins E and C. 

Pomegranate helps to reduce inflammation by blocking the active inflammatory agents which are responsible for cartilage degradation in osteoarthritis. 

Fresh pomegranate juice can be consumed regularly as a choice of healthy drink, alternatively you can also add pomegranate seeds to salads and deserts. 

4.  Ginger 

Ginger contains high amounts of the super healthy compound. 

Ginger all it likely contributes to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties which are similar to those of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs but without the side effects. 

A research that was carried out on patients who are suffering from arthritis and muscular pains both demonstrated significant outcomes in pain relief and muscle swelling. 

5. Cherries 

Cherries are one of the best-loved and more well known fruits for relieving arthritis and overall joint pain even in those without arthritis they're great to consume post-workout or whenever you're just feeling achy keep some frozen cherries in your freezer throughout the year. So, you can use them in breakfast dishes snacks and deserts their anthocyanins antioxidants are what give them their tremendous healing powers and can also be found in all types of berries try them, yummy cherry smoothie as a delicious way to enjoy them. 

6. Green Tea 

High in nutrients and antioxidants. Green tea is known to reduce inflammation studies performed on animals also found that it can help reduce the incidence and severity of rheumatoid arthritis, aim for two servings a day either hot or cold be sure to use tea bags not the powdered tea mixes which are more processed if, you drink the decaffeinated variety make sure the process is all natural. 

7.  Turmeric

Turmeric contains curcumin which has anti-inflammatory properties that protects tissues of the body from destruction and joints from inflammation. 

It is recommended to take turmeric with black pepper the piperine in it, triggers the release of curcumin from turmeric. 

8.  Broccoli 

Broccoli is packed with calcium protein anti-inflammatory antioxidants and vitamin C. 

Vitamin C can help reduce pain lower physical and mental stress and will also help keep the body's immune system working well, thanks to its anti-cancer compound known as sulforaphane broccoli also has the potential to prevent or slow the progression of osteoarthritis, even more it's also good source of vitamin B6, to assist with energy and a healthy mood. 

Try broccoli in this anti-inflammatory Qin OA salad or use broccoli sprouts in a superfood salad. 

9. Olive Oil 

Olive oil contains a natural compound called audio capsule which may help prevent arthritis related inflammation. 

This compound blocks the same inflammatory pathways as in, aspirin medications commonly used to fight arthritis pain for the highest antioxidant content choose extra-virgin olive oil. 

10. Cinnamon 


Cinnamon has been used for thousands of years as an effective natural remedy for arthritis. 

Arthritis is essential inflammation of the joints which causes pains in the muscles around the joint area due to its anti-inflammatory benefits. 

Research shows that cinnamon can be effectively used to treat rheumatoid arthritis for treating. 

You can mix honey and cinnamon powder in warm water and then enjoy the drink. 

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