Big Lies About Treating Knee Arthritis
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The most famous physical therapists what they talk about some big lies about treating knee arthritis.
You should know there's a little controversy I'll explain about it.
As I, go through it sure, by the way if you're new to my blog, please take a second to comment and visit again and again as I can provide highlights on how to stay healthy and keep fit.
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If, you broke your tailbone or fractured, a lot of pain there and you need that hollow spot there to relieve the pressure.
It's there, I guess it would work for hemorrhoids too wanted absolutely, so this is a study that was first done in 2009.
I should say a study they looked at hundreds of studies, this is the Royal College Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.
So, they got this huge group they said they look at hundreds of, may be thousands of studies sure a regarding knee arthritis and actually hip arthritis.
Okay, they first did in 2009 they redid it in 2018, so its guidelines for non-surgical management of hip and knee arthritis.
Today, I'm just gonna talk about knee arthritis since that's the title what they do is, they do various degrees of recommendations like they'll say strongly against or conditionally against which is not as big, not as severe, then they also go strongly for or conditionally.
So, there's a grey zone yeah right sort of speak so let's start off with the first one Bad, I get a lot of people that ask me this, should I use glucosamine and chondroitin and what this study said.
They said they were against the use of it, just there was no - they didn't see any benefit to it and concerning the cost and so, I was strongly against - I'm sorry I don't remember - I just recommended against I didn't do the conditional ones on those.
I don't think what those, there's any particular bad side effects no - it wasn't but again they're like you know why do things that aren't gonna help basic right.
All right, they're scientists the second one is going to be - may be surprise you a little bit recommended against use of an ice pack comedian always makes because I mean a lot of times arthritis is inflammation.
So, you think you want to put ice on it, but the thing is generally they found out a lot of people like with arthritis they like the heat, sure a lot better they recommended against use of an ice pack.
I have to admit that a patient having severe knee arthritis couldn't even walk and she did not like heat and she was very alert and she said she kept ice packs in a room and we put on.
So, there's, may be exceptions to the rule right this is the biggest one I think of the some Bad.
Okay, they recommended against arthroscopic meniscectomy - cartilage repair all these surgeries unless, was actually locking so a mechanical yeah clarity and you say well how could they recommend I'm having a lot of pain they found out that if you had the surgery like five six months later you're back to right where you were before.
Okay, so we're not talking about knee replacements - not knee replacements we're talking about just arthroscopic surgeries are they were under going and replace or trim off the meniscus and right this is a big one.
I mean because a lot of people, I think they still do recommend you'll find doctors that do recommend this right go in there clean it up a little bit and you know things but I have to be honest a lot of people that I know that did have it done.
They were back to where square one right fairly quickly it's a little discouraged, they wouldn't go to the therapist if it worked but no - and that's the thing the earliest want to recommend conservative things to try further.
Before you try things like that sorry um they recommended a kind of, they recommended against acupuncture kinesio tape and topical capsaicin.
So, that I just heard of it I never used it topical capsaicin, well I believe you put on - I got some kinesio tape you see it very popular.
You see the Olympic athletes wear them - that's really cool but the studies have just not held up on this.
Sorry, and the people commented that they love their kinesio tape that helps.
If it works and you really think it helps - I don't think there's any negative side.
If no there's - it's a placebo effects sometimes if it's a placebo - it works - you know placebo it's better than taking pain pills at it.
Alright that was the thing to say well they had a whole bunch of things they recommend against little ones.
I'm gonna give you some things they recommended, okay, unfortunately they strongly recommended land-based exercises what is that? That's water-based exercises, so they thought it was better that you actually exercised out of the water, then walking in water muscle strengthening and Tai Chi was really hard, they were commanded or was recommended.
Okay such a slow form of exercise you do not do it at all. No I've it's martial art I've trained in a different style quite a bit drastically different but from what I understand you go through moves very slowly make sense, it's gonna help with your balance or you've got a shot but definitely the walking they recommended.
This makes sense, it's just shock absorbing Footwear, when something in your shoe and no high heels because you know that's gonna put right here.
So, you you're gonna stop wearing high heels bread, no no no sticker your fashion ah alright.
There is no surprise, that you either recommended weight loss and while you're trying to lose weight you know sometimes this is a motivator you could use a cane or a crutch or a walker.
Do you know my wife was having some knee pain and it was to the point where first she said there's no way I'm gonna use a cane or a crutch but she ended up using a crutch because it was so bad that she was limping so bad she couldn't walk.
Truely, speaking it was much much better, this was actually the one she used, I actually got some padding for right, you know the arms gets really sore and your hands get really sore from using all the time - but she after a while I calmed down and now she's back to walking.
You gotta try, to take some of the weight off, of it so you again use the cane or a crutch or a walker well I did want to say one thing I wanted to back up a few steps I'm really surprised that the water exercise would be good for it.
But it was a lesser recommendation, it's just I think there's something about actually taking the full weight through the leg and the effect that it has on the knee and you know creating some of the oil they're racing or lost their that's okay chopped off anyway I'm saying if you got a swimming pool and it feels good to get into an exercise.
Very few people have that option right and I think that's part they take into account everything they hear into account the convenience of it - the cost of it - and so they'll recommend things that are a lot easier to do.
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